NH3 Canada Inc.


Alternative Fuel Production :: Similar in nature to a traditional gas station, with the significant difference that all production is done on-site, transferred to storage tanks, and then delivered to a fueling point, much like a gas pump.

Transportation Fuels :: With minimal conversion, existing ICE (Internal Combustion Engines) can be adapted to run in dual fuel mode; being the fuel it was originally designed to drive on (gasoline, diesel, etc.), in addition to NH3. A separate gas tank is required, an an onboard controller (mounted in the cabin) which will both monitor and control the use of either or both fuels. Similar adaptations are available for truck and locomotive engines, and investigations for jet fuel applications are currently underway.

Emergency Backup Systems :: In critical systems, such as those which provide backup power to cooling systems at nuclear power stations, NH3 is ideally suited, by virtue of the fact it is essentially non-explosive, nor flammable. In fact, to use it as a fuel, a small percentage of some ignitable fuel (ie.gasoline) has be mixed in, in order to initiate combustion.

Renewable Energy Time-Shifting, ESS (Energy Storage System) :: When renewable energy facilities are operating (ie., when the wind is blowing, or the sun is shining), the electricity generated is used to power the NH3 FuelStation(s), which in turn is stored in holding tank(s), until such time that it is dispatched, to the grid, as contracted for. At this point, the stored NH3 is consistently supplied to an electrical generator, which in net effect amounts to “wind on demand”, which has a higher market value.

Traditional Energy Time-Shifting, ESS (Energy Storage System) :: Electricity, as generated from all current sources is delivered to various sub-stations, whereupon it is converted to NH3 by one of our NH3 FuelStations, and again is re-converted back to electricity, to more properly match the loads which it is supplying, when it is being consumed, and paid for. While the NH3 produced is not powered by a green source, in this case, it can provide the positive result of reducing the waste and spilling of unconsumed power, and thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the system.